Fields marked * must be completed.

Once registered your company details will be listed in the directory so that your business will be returned in the searches on the website.

Main contact details

Address details:

Business description:

Business details: this information will not be shared with 3rd parties and will not show on the Search results

Log in details:

I consent to my data being processed as described in the privacy notice
Business Directory Privacy Notice
With your consent, your data will be processed by Flintshire County Council for specific purposes to include your business and contact details for the public Business Directory. The processing of your personal data is necessary in order to take steps at your request to include your business in this circulation. We will not share this information with any 3rd party unless advised to do so by yourselves.
Flintshire County Council will retain your data for the duration of the lifetime of your business or until we receive notification that you no longer wish to be included this circulation. You are entitled to opt out of you details being held in the business directory at any time by contacting
For further information about how Flintshire County Council processes personal data and your rights please see our privacy notice on our website -
We would like to contact you to keep you informed of upcoming events, networking and business information by email.
With your consent, your data will be processed by Flintshire County Council for this purpose. We will not share your email address with any 3rd party unless advised to do so by yourselves.
You are entitled to opt out of this communication at any time using the Unsubscribe option.